I enjoy drinking beer.
I enjoy touring breweries.
Well, DUH, I bought a MR. BEER home brew kit for $50.
Two gallons of beer later I am ready to share the experience. For $20 you can be the master Mixer.
Meister of your own (beer) domain.
The original package also came with the powders and yeast you need to mix your first batch.
Buy this Beer Barrel Bargain (and 8 liter bottles) and decide what kind of brew you want to make.
Of course you can pour your brew into any other container you wish. An ice cold glass would be a good choice!
Excellent way to delve into the beery world of sipping pleasure.
Call me at 747-9902 to arrange to get started.
Look up Mr. Beer online to see what the replacable supplies cost and the variety of beer out there.
This keg and bottles will get you started!
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