Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Build a Dollhouse Replica of YOUR house...

I have put together a step-by-step folder that shows how to turn a piece of plywood into a miniature copy of your house.

Of course it's simple ...I was able to do it.

My 8-year old daughter wanted a dollhouse. But, when I shopped around, I found these things weren't cheap.

Maybe I could make one for her?

Hmmm..why not do a copy of the great looking house we had in Jefferson City, Missouri?

I am no craftsman but I can do OK with a sheet of plywood, a drill and a saw.

Plus, I would be using the actual house as my model.

I also discovered that wood putty is very helpful to cover small mistakes.

Avoid the errors I made by following all my steps outlined in the illustrated brochure.

Call me at (843)747-9902 and I'll give you directions to my house. Then come by and hand me $10 and I give you the pamphlet. Simple and no stamps needed.

Or, E-mail a request and I'll send you my address so you can send me a check.

You'll be a hero to your little girl.

Maybe even to your wife. Hey, THAT'S worth ten bucks!(Doll house replica link.)